As I type this post, I should be doing....
a. sweeping the does two dogs shed so much hair?
b. washing some dirty do two people use so many?
c. getting dressed....I admit, some days I never change to "day" clothes.
d. get off the internet....what a time suck..and I love it!!!
OK, want to see photos...
This is a needlepoint piece that my mother made for me so many years ago, I am sorry to say I don't know the year. The little pieces in the corners were lost somewhere along the way. But I can't bear to throw it away. Yes, those hot pink colors are actually that color. But I love it anyway. One of the few that she did.
This is one of my favorite stockings. No name has been given, but we all use it. Since my children are all grown, we don't do the stocking thing. I use it for decoration. It was a model that I bought around 20 years ago. I don't think I would ever finish a stocking. It is even prettier in person.
This is a darling little needlepoint door hanger that I purchased over ten years ago. I wasn't doing any hand stitching at the time, and thought it was perfect.
These two pillows were needlepointed and purchased over twenty years ago. I just love them and would never have finished them myself. I have to admit I do better with smaller projects. If I do large pieces, they have to be something I would keep up all year. I will show you more hand made gifts tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by, Kathy